The Youth Option
Try a classStudying martial arts as a young person...
…you get the sense that you can actually do something. You can accomplish any goal: that’s what martial arts are for.
Current Classes
Tiny Tigers - 3-5 yrs
This program fosters emotional and physical development in a child. At this age, children are just beginning to understand who they are and how they fit into space. They are also learning to coordinate their physical actions. Martial arts helps with this because movement is so varied. It helps kids develop confidence to grow.

Dojo Dragons - 6-11 yrs
This program shares martial arts with those young people becoming teens. Students learn clarity of mind, focus, and physical skills that allow them to participate in sports and in academics. They learn to carry themselves in an appropriate manner, how to speak up for themselves; how to avoid bullying.

If you’re interested, try out a class.
Fill out this form to arrange a visit.
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Header artwork courtesy of Angela Noble