Togakure-ryu Ninpo Taijutsu kokyu-ho (Breathing techniques for the martial arts we teach)

by | May 27, 2013

Ninpo kokyu-ho (Breathing technique's

Ninpo kokyu-ho (Breathing technique’s

In martial arts, the mind body and spirit need to work together as one. Togakure-ryu Ninpo Taijutsu kokyu-ho (breathing techniques for the martial arts we teach) helps on brings these parts of into alignment. These techniques can change because conditions and stress level. When the adrenaline rushes into the body and the heart rate, body functions changes, you need to be able to use the natural breathing that fits with what is happening. Having this ability to do this will help you control and direct, your body energy. By doing this you can have more skill with self defense.

Mark Davis

Boston Martial Arts Center